VD17 – Das Verzeichnis der im deutschen Sprachraum erschienenen Drucke des 17. Jahrhunderts
Deutsche Fassung


The VD 17 data can be retrieved via SRU (Search/Retrieve via URL) at the GBV. The web address is http://sru.k10plus.de/vd17.
A list of search keys and metadata formats is delivered there in XML.

Every search key that can be selected in the OPAC can also be used for building SRU requests. Further search keys are [JAH] year, [SPR] language, [BIB] library holding copies, [NID] GND number, [BBG] code for bibliographical genre and status.

The following metadata formats are supported:

  • [dc] Dublin Core
  • [mods] MODS
  • [picaxml] PicaXML
  • [marcxml] MARC21 XML
  • [oai-dc] OAI-encoded simple Dublin Core
  • [srw-dc] SRW-encoded simple Dublin Core

Example: Search for records with "dissertatio" in the title and a Person named Conring as author or contributor:


Up to 500 records can be shown in a single response, depending on the value of maximumRecords. The omitted records can be displayed by setting startRecord to a higher value.
